

after spending a few fabulous days in san diego we met my family in newport. we stayed at an awesome place (pictured above) that had so many activities. we layed out at the pool, played ping pong poolside, watched movies, went to the beach, ate at all our favorite california resturants, walked the pier, had cheesecake on a stick, and had the most relaxing and FaBuLoUs week EvEr!!!! it was so hard to say good-Bye knowing we wouldn't see our fam till christmas. but we had such a fun time hopefully time will fly by and it'll be christmas before we know it. i miss it so much (that was for you trent)

word of warning...there are LOTS of pictures of madi. she is pretty much all i took pics of. i can't believe she'll be one in a month and i won't be there! :(
cutest family ever! we were planning on doing a session at the newport temple, but it was closed for cleaning. but we did walk around and what a beautiful temple it was!!!
yummy yummy el toritos!!!

what a good girl she was! she loved her glasses and kept them on. she is so sweet.
what a good picture of us! one you can't see! we walked the newport beach pier at sunset and what a beautiful sunset we saw. they still don't beat the ones you can see from my parents deck. i actually haven't seen any as beautiful as bountiful's sunsets, not even in hawaii



Hailey Smoot Kandell said...

wow, you have some great vacays this summer....lucky lady.

Michelle said...

That does sound like the best week ever! You guys have gone on tons of fun vacations this summer.