
4th of July Festivities

this year the fourth of july was spent a little different than years past. each year we would enjoy the centerville parade, swim at mine or trent's house, get together with family, laugh and bbq. no not this year. i was actually quite surprised when i discovered i had the day off and it wasn't even cinco de mayo! the gym was even closed. we did get together with friends, went swimming, had a water fight, played a sweet game of frisbee (tied with rummikub for favorite activity ever) sweat in the heat like a mother and watched some okay fireworks. we missed our family and decided that holidays kinda suck when you don't have the family around. good thing we have great friends down here that are our family. the night ended semi early since i had to work the next day. we couldn't get carried away with such a silly holiday to take the whole weekend off. heaven forbid! nonetheless we had a GrEaT day and continue to LoVe mexico!!!!!


Lincoln and Alisia said...

what are you guys doing in Mexico?

Hailey Smoot Kandell said...

your in mexico??

trent and rach henderson... said...

okay let me clear this up...ali i hope you aren't a geography major. el paso is directly on the border of the u.s. and mexico, so it's basically mexico here in the pass. we aren't actually in mexico though. it's a little joke. ha ha

Hailey Smoot Kandell said...

ok, sorry didnt get your little joke. my bad. I miss the c-ville parade too!