

Trent and I flew up to Utah a couple weeks ago for 10 days to see our family. It was SO fabulous to see our parents, sibs and of course our kids!!! We hadn't been home since Christmas so it was about time to finally get to see everyone again. We stayed with my sister in her guest room and enjoyed watching the O.C. every night. We are addicted for some reason even though it's the worst acting EvEr. But who can resist the Cohens? The weather wasn't the GrEaTeSt, but we didn't let that stop us from having fun. We swam at my parents, took the motorcycle out, lunched, had a family bbq and just got to hang out with our cool families. We miss them like CrAzY already!!!

The reason we decided to go to Utah in the first place was so we didn't have to drive from Texas to Lake Powell which was a lOnG 10 hour drive last time. so We figured we'd kill 2 birds with one stone and fly to Utah, see my fam and drive down to Powell with the Hendersons and play with them at the lake. and That is exactly what we did!! Little did we know that the weather was the worst ever for Memorial weekend. There was seriously no one there. We spent a lot of time in the house boat, none of the time in the water and some of the time playing Mexican golf(so fun by the way). Trent, TJ and some of the kids did brave the water to tube and wakeboard. Not the girls! Way to cold! We did try to enjoy all the rain and wind. We were just glad we were all there. It was sUpEr fun reguardless! Thanks Terry and Deanne for a FaBuLoUs weekend and lots of FuN memories!!!


Hailey Smoot Kandell said...

How fun? I think you need to move back.

mare said...

all I can say is I'm so glad to not have to look at those Chinese feet anymore! Glad you had a fun trip!

jmr said...

glad you came to visit Rach! It was fun to see ya. I picked up my scentsy and I'm lovin the new flavors. thnx! :)