

This is for all you American Idol fans out there, which doesn't include me. My lil sister and her friends made it out to Gateway to see David Archuletta last Friday. They said it was CrAzy and there were SO many people! They also went to Murray High to see him sing and celebrated David's Day! This household doesn't see the eXcItMeNt in American Karaoke, but whatever, they had a bLaSt!

cam, bethany, lex, kelcey and hiliari
cam is one of lexi's buddies who found out about a month ago that he has ewing's sarcoma(bone cancer) this pic was taken after he was in the hospital having having chemo treatments for a week straight. he looks awesome! he had a week off and is now back at Primary Childrens, back to the grind of chemo all week! we love you cam and know that you will kick cancer in the butt~ CANCER SUCKS!!!


Hailey Smoot Kandell said...


The Hill Family said...

Hahaha. Wow thanks for this post.
You weren't shy and went all out didn't ya.
Well i love you lots!!
See you in TWO days!!
Love Lex

The Hill Family said...

Oh P.S. It's NOT American Karaoke. David's voice that that of an angel.

Michelle said...

I am glad to hear I am not the only girl who wasn't obsessed with American Idol :) Good to hear that you and Trent are doing so well!