
Okay, so I'm going out this morning to make my purchase!
Has anyone finished theirs yet!?
Let me know what do you think
I'm not super excited about the whole
alien idea, but I didn't think I'd like vampires either.
Actually I didn't, I liked Jacob more.
None the less I am still going to support Stephenie and
give it a read!
Happy Hosting Everyone!


Hailey Smoot Kandell said...

I am still uncertain, we will see. If you read it let me know what you think.

Ryan Hill said...

You should delete this entry before Alexa sees it. She'll probably disown your for liking Jacob more than Edward.

The Hill Family said...

Yeah pretty sure that is really lame that you like Jacob more it disgusts me and I don't know if I can consider you my sister anymore...
Well maybe if you're lucky I can.
But Seriously JACOB SUCKS!
And EDWARD is the most amazing of them all. :)