
my sweet beautiful niece


Jen said...

Rach-She is beautiful!

Hailey Smoot Kandell said...

she IS beautiful, love those eyes!!

Elise said...

I can't belive that's Madi! What a georgeous little sweetie! Thanks Rach for the pics! Glad you had fun at spring training, baseball rules! It was fun to catch up!

Jessica said...

She is so so beautiful!

Erin Webster said...

Haha- I got your comment! I know what you mean about private blogs- I would have come across your's or a lot of other people's if they were private, but with Eliza I've learned it's just not worth the risk...although I realize there is a tiny chance of anything bad coming from an open blog, I wouldn't be able for forgive myself if something DID happen and I knew I could have done something so simple to protect me and my family and I didn't do it! I hope you'll still let me "invite" you to see ours! Madi is adoarble by the way!!

Jakob Agaetis said...

Well I'm happy to hear you like my blog. You are so right in the update factor... I've been a slacker. How have you guys been doing? I'm hoping you guys will make it up for my wedding. Great pictures of Madi by-the-way!!